by admin | Nov 4, 2019 | News
Blog post from Inova Consultancy The international partnership of the Fake It project has used theatre techniques to develop the soft skills in the attendants of the drama and theatre workshops. The achievements observed in those who came to the training have been...
by admin | Oct 14, 2019 | News
Blog post from Ung Scen Norr/Norrbottensteatern 2019-10-14 Photos by Magnus Stenberg Ung Scen Norr is part of the regional theatre Norrbottensteatern based in the region of Norrbotten in the most northern part of Sweden. Ung Scen Norr makes professional theatre plays...
by admin | Aug 6, 2019 | News
We have invited the 8 participants to the Italian Pilot to offer their feedback to understand how much the experience has affected the decisions of life and work during the 6 months following the training of February 2019. Five participants responded to our...
by admin | Jun 10, 2019 | News
Great participation and good atmosphere in the presentation of Fakeitmakeit Guidebook in Madrid The 7th of June took place in Madrid a Multiplier event to present the Fakeitmakeit Facilitator’s Guidebook. The event was held at one of the training centres of the...
by admin | May 27, 2019 | News
How theatre can bring unemployed people closer to a job Ung Scen Norr has been part of an Erasmus+ project “Fake It Till You Make It-Building your employability skills through theatre” since 2017. This project has further developed a method from Ung Scen Norr called...
by admin | Apr 12, 2019 | News
Workshop in drama and theatre to support unemplyeded persons to take the first step closer to a job. Ung Scen Norr in one of the partners in the Erasmusproject ”Fake It Till You Make It” since 2017. This project has further developed the Spot On-method earlier...