We have invited the 8 participants to the Italian Pilot to offer their feedback to understand how much the experience has affected the decisions of life and work during the 6 months following the training of February 2019. Five participants responded to our invitation. They stated that the experience of the Pilot offered them an opportunity to look at their skills from a new perspective. In particular, the confidence deriving from the training and the output of the multiple intelligence test allowed them to imagine themselves into the labor market and thus begin new paths.


In particular:

  • One participant, who had shown a very marked natural intelligence, started a training course aimed at obtaining the hiking guide patent. He is now carrying out this life and – hopefully – work project.
  • One participant successfully completed his university studies closing a path that was stalled in his life, starting after the thesis discussion a new process that sees him engaged in participating in public competitions;
  • One participant decided to believe in herself and to act with greater confidence by undertaking a business trip to Portugal;
  • One participant decided to put her emotional and relational intelligence into a system, accepting to work full-time as a babysitter, transforming his “occasional” work into a structured and well-defined job;
  • One participant decided to join the selections for the civil service obtaining the position of collaborator for an important association for the promotion of the territory.

Therefore, a change of perspective is highlighted in the approach to work and in its own potential with respect to an extremely confused initial situation.

It seems that the path started with the “Fake it metodology” has given a push forward to the participants to take their lives in hand and be masters of their own decisions.