Blog post from Inova Consultancy
The international partnership of the Fake It project has used theatre techniques to develop the soft skills in the attendants of the drama and theatre workshops. The achievements observed in those who came to the training have been invaluable. We have witnessed our participants develop their soft skills, move onto new jobs and get involved in other training.
There are many skills which can be enhanced through the practice of drama and theatre. Here is a list of 4 ways how you can improve personal and professional life through the Fake It Till You Make It theatre methodology.
Communication Skills
Through theatre, you can develop your confidence which helps to increase oral communication skills. When you are asked to speak in front of large audience or a group of people, this can help to improve your confidence conversing with small, medium and large groups. When communicating with your drama team, you learn to communicate with people of all different backgrounds! This skill is extremely important in the workplace and in building rapport with others.
Working Cooperatively
Teamwork is a highly valued skill in the workplace. In theatre, you work with a range of different people and support one another. In the production process in theatre, there is no room for serious disagreement as the outcome is at stake. Working cooperatively means you can be patient and take other people’s ideas on board. You work effectively in a team to produce desired results, what more could an employer want?
Time management
In theatre, there are appointments that need attending. Rehearsals that cannot be postponed. The busy schedules of others need to be respected. Through practicing drama and theatre, time management skills can be improved as any delay can negatively affect the production and the rest of the team. This teaches valuable lessons to those who attend workshops or take part in production.
Ability to meet deadlines effectively is something employers look for and can be applied in other aspects of life, such as university, parenthood or general life management.
Adaptability and flexibility
When practicing theatre, individuals need to have a flexible and adaptable approach. You must be willing (or start to learn to be willing) to try new ideas, accept new challenges and adapt to different situations and scenarios. You may be involved in different roles. As theatre can be varied, you might be the lead in one session and working on the makeup the next one. These traits are highly valued in employment, as it shows that you are an all rounded individual who is not afraid to try something new.
So… Why not go ahead and try out the Fake It method? Develop your skills through theatre and see where it can take you! Read our Guidebook HERE for more information on our project, how to use the methodology and the benefits we have found.